Join us at this Free event

Date and time

October 13 · 5pm - October 14 · 10:30pm CDT


16765 Lookout Road, Selma, TX, USA 78154

Gather in jubilation and reverence, for behold, Jesus Jam Fest 2023 - "The Outpouring" is upon us! As the sun sets on Friday, October 13, and rises on Saturday, October 14, we shall congregate at the hallowed grounds of the Real Life Amphitheater in Selma, TX, to partake in the momentous 20th Annual Celebration.

With hearts knit together in compassion and devotion, we stand hand in hand with Jesus Lives In My City - Break The Silence (No Bullying/ No Suicide/No Trafficking), a powerful alliance united in love's embrace. Our new sanctuary, the Real Life Amphitheater, eagerly awaits the influx of 20,000 faithful souls. Embracing the divine wisdom of Joel 2:28, we anticipate a profound spiritual awakening that shall resound throughout Selma, TX, and beyond: "And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions."

Prepare your spirits to be uplifted as the Glory of God descends upon us, illuminating the path to Salvation, Healing, and Restoration. Families, drawn together in unwavering faith, shall find solace and strength at the feet of Jesus. In deep humility, let us heed the call of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." United in prayer and sincere repentance, we beseech God's mercy and healing touch upon our beloved nation.

The Power of the Holy Spirit, like a mighty river, shall surge through the amphitheater, bringing forth Healing, Deliverance, and Liberation to those who seek His grace. Witness the grandeur of this divine revival, a testament to the unfathomable might of our Lord.

With hearts as one, let us unite in resounding Worship of the King of Kings, casting aside our differences and embracing the love that binds us. With bated breath and soaring anticipation, we await your blessed presence at Jesus Jam Fest 2023 - "The Outpouring." May this gathering be a beacon of light, illuminating the path to spiritual enlightenment and profound transformation. See you there, as we rejoice in the glory of our Lord!

To potential sponsors, volunteers, and vendors, we extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in this sacred endeavor. To Register or for more information please visit


Freedom Outreach Ministry


A 501c3 Non-Profit Ministry of Believers Christian Fellowship of Smithson Valley.



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